Wednesday, June 19, 2013

Random Butt Kickin'

I'm just gonna start throwing my random thoughts up here again.  When I feel like saying something I will be posting something.  I am just a bit away from 3 straight weeks of lifting/core training/cardio.  I know I am going to do it this time, because I have never felt this excited and motivated to do it!  I have two goals that I want to set in stone for 2013:
  1. Lose at least another 50 lbs.
  2. Be able to complete Core fitness test with little to no difficulty.  Check it out here Core Strength and Stability Test
Once these are completed I will give myself new milestones.  I can see a couple of major goals in the future.  Here are some long term goals (without some specifics since I am not totally aware of my fitness level in some activities yet):
  1. Maintain fitness to improve quality of life and length of life for my loved one's sakes.  Yes even to be able to keep up with my future children whenever they show up :)  This one is hard to measure, but you all get the idea.
  2. Complete my first Bike Race (23 miles?).
  3. Complete a Bike Tour (30+ miles).
  4. Improve flexibility to point my knees and hip joints no longer hurt when walking for length of time
  5. Run a mile in under 10 minutes?
And some dream goals, they are possible!:
  1. Have great enough full body strength to be able to learn to break dance
  2. Perform back flips
  3. Be able to do hand stand push-ups.
  4. Hike some major mountain
  5. And so on...
Well I am off to enjoy the rest of my evening.  See you all next time!

Michael OUT!

Tuesday, June 11, 2013

Week 24!

A successful week it has been since last Monday!  We have started workout routines, Jocelyn started working towards her 5K.  We have worked out every day pretty much since then.  I started my routine which involves 5 days of lifting, cardio every day, and core exercises every day.  We are going to have those rock solid bodies no matter what!

Jocelyn and I started gym memberships at Planet Fitness and this has been a catalyst for both of us.  I am actually happy to say that I am very excited about working out and becoming fit with Jocelyn.  For the first time ever I can honestly say it.  It is going pretty well.   Jocelyn has gotten herself a personal trainer that is helping her get used to all of the intricacies of lifting and cardio.  Things are set for success!  And the results are!

Jocelyn's Results
Weight Gained: 0.2 lbs
Status: Kickin booty!

Michael's Results
Weight Gained: 0.5 lbs
Status: Takin' Names!

We will have pics tomorrow.  Jocelyn's camera is dead so it needs to charge.  Till next time.

Michael OUT!

Friday, June 7, 2013

Let`s Get Physical!

Hello followers!
Believe it or not it has been a couple of productive days for Mike and myself. Yesterday we both joined the gym craze at Planet Fitness. I was able to talk Mike into a membership and now I don`t know if it was a good idea because he is going to drag my butt to the gym (ok, that is a good thing). I am extremely excited that Mike is joining me at the gym and going there makes it even more fun!
Yesterday I completed another Couch to 5k work out to my dismay. I am a tad behind but I will be catching up soon. The program is three days a week and currently I start with a 5 minute walking warm up and than do interval of 60 seconds running and 90 seconds walking for 20 minutes and ending with a 5 minute walking cool down. I am enjoying running alot but I enjoy the fact that I have not given up yet. At the end of my run I am exhausted and I want to fall down and never move again but I keep on moving. All my life I have been a quitter so setting a goal for myself such as a 5k is a big deal. The biggest commitment will be when I sign up with my friends and come up with a team name! I can`t begin to tell you how excited I am to actually cross something off my bucket list which just happened to be a 5k. Now, I will admit there are tons of things I would like to do in my life such as sky diving, traveling, and also scuba diving but for now this will do.

Yesterday was our first work out at the gym. Michael was nice enough and walked me thru my moves and helped me figure out weights. I am baffled when it comes to exercise and figuring out the right types of moves to do. My problem areas are my hips and arms which I would not mind seeing slowly becoming trimmer by October! In our house you can easily come across dozens of fitness magazines all of which I bought with good intentions of doing the workouts, and of course I failed!
However, enough of this failure talk! So what if I failed in the past, does it matter? No, of course not!!  What matters is now, today and what I do with it. What matters is what I learned from the past and how I can move forward. This is what I have learned:

1. Exercise hurts and it does not get easy
2. The next day after I work out I am going to swear I will never do it again
3. I am an emotional eater but I have to realize that food will not fill that void.
4. It is easy to quit but difficult to start
5. There will be those who want me to fail but many more who want me to succeed.
6. Food is like friends, it can be good for you but you have to choose the right type because the bad type can lead you into trouble (aka fatness)
7.  Bad days are not excuses to lay on the couch and mope.
8. There are times I will feel defeated, but there will be many more times where I will feel well accomplished

As you can see I have learned a whole lot, and I will continue to learn. I still have the goal in mind of being fit for my best friends wedding in October and also Mike and mine's 3rd anniversary! I have so much to look forward to so now is the time to get moving!

Also, Mike and I were discussing about taking dance classes. We have always wanted to do it together for fun. Plus, I can not dance to save my life so this is the time to do it! Who here thinks we should take dance lessons?

Now, I must bid you good night untill the next time but I would like to leave you with an inspiring qoute....
"Life is like riding a bicycle, to keep your balance you must keep moving"

For now,

Wednesday, June 5, 2013

Week 23..Set Backs...And Recoveries...It's Life! Time to Start Fresh

It has been a long time since we have posted results and we have decided to restart the count and today just tell everyone the total amount of weight we have still kept off from our initial run.  Now we shall start fresh! And here you have it!:

Jocelyn's Results
Total Lost: 14.3 lbs

Michael's Results
Total Lost: 14.0 lbs

This post is a promise that we are officially starting up the weigh-ins again.  Next week will have photos and weight lost from this week.

An interesting fact, Jocelyn has heard from some people of the healing power of laughter recently and how as little as 15 minutes of laughter a day can improve one's state of mind, and physical health.  So starting this week, Jocelyn and I are going to dedicate at least 15 minutes a day to laughing.  Whether that is through YouTube videos of baby's laughing, comedy skits, or just plain enjoying one another's company and being goofy, we will enjoy some good laughing. :)

Hey, maybe everyone can help? Or if any of our loyal followers wants to participate in the laughter experiment. :) Does anyone have anything they have seen or heard recently that they think would make us laugh?  Post it in the comments, we would love it :)

Well I should get to whatever I need to be gettin' too.  Hope everyone is as excited as we are to be starting fresh!

Michael OUT!

Burn Baby Burn

Hey guys! So this is just a short little post telling you Mike and I did weigh ourselves today and we will post picture results tomorrow! I can't wait to share with all of you again . This has truly been a journey for the both of us , and I am glad you are partaking in it with us. Today I finished another work out in couch to 5k. As most of you probably read from mike I am going to be participating in a 5k on August 10th in Toledo, Oh. I can not even begin to express how nervous I am but I feel this will be a good motivator for me. It has always been on my bucket list to run a 5k and now I am finally doing it and I will push myself to the finish line (even if I am last in place). I am hurting of coarse from the work out but it is the good kind of hurt so I say bring on the burn!!! I hope this work out thing becomes addicting as many people say it is because as of right now I could easily give it up. However, this time I am not allowing myself to give up. I control my life and the choices I make for myself so I  am choosing to do this 5k and this 8 week program in order to gain strength. I may sweat,I may hurt and I may want to give up but I must remember that nothing  worth getting is ever easy. A healthy body is just like a college degree, you must earn it! So here is to the future burn from all the work outs to come!!! See you guys tomorrow, 


Sunday, June 2, 2013

Off We Go

This week starts kick butt week! We are gonna begin kickin some major gym booty.  I have a doc appointment in 16 days and I want to break through my plateau, and Jocelyn is bout done with her plateau and wants to bust through it too! 

This Tuesday expect the pictures and weigh-ins to start back up.  Regular updates on our progress and tips and pointers we learn along the way.  Jocelyn has a 5K to train for and I have super defined buffness to achieve! I feel so exhausted and like I am always left in the dust when I see everyone out there just enjoying physical activities, while I am inside dreading the thought of having to move. It's been almost 18 years of this crap and it just has to end.  For my sake and for my current and future loved one's sakes.

I was a lanky kid back in the day, I wasn't meant to be like this and be lethargic like this.  I was so crazy and energetic. Just ask my parents.  My pre 10 year old self would be sick and bored of my 28 year old self if he had to hang out with me.  He'd say I'm a kid trapped in a fat old tired body and you shouldn't let these good years go by on your arse when you could be doing so much with your life.  So short story long, I need to heed my pre 10 year old self's advice and begin living my life by actively participating in it, not just sitting on the sidelines watching it go by wondering what it would have been like or could be like...

Michael OUT!!