Thursday, March 21, 2013

She's Got High Hopes

Well folks I guess I should say "Hello", sorry it has been so long! My schedule has been nothing short of hectic. Between figuring out my new schedule and incorporating it into my life and keeping up with school I am slowly drowning. Sometimes I just want to come home and pass out, and sometimes I do. With that being said my lifestyle change has been slowly slacking as well.

My schedule is currently a balance between first shift and second shift. Adding school into that you have a recipe for chaos. It is becoming rather difficult to have an eating schedule like I did as well as cooking every night. My plan was to rely on slow cooked meals but as of right now that is not even working. Honestly, we have had good intentions with buying healthy foods and setting goals, but some of them have not been put back into place. I will say that I am still eating healthy lunches but not as much water as I used to due to it is hard to drink as much water as I used to during work. Everything has changed in my life and I am still trying to adapt.

Some days when I step on the scale I feel as though it is lying and I am really not loosing any weight. I am stuck on a plateau and I can not get off it. I know my number one problem is my fear and also not willing to move forward. I know I have to up my game and change my plans. I always have great plans but have a very difficult time putting them into action.

However, I still have high hopes. I have so many things to look forward to this year that I want to look fantastic at. Michael and I have many weddings to go to this year and I would love to feel great in a dress instead of obsessing which color makes my thighs look smaller, which cut makes my arms slimmer, and which fabric clings less to my belly. For once I would love to throw on a dress and just go with it but for the time being I can not. This October my best friend is getting married and I am her maid of honor! It is so exciting to me and also a big honor to be a part of her special day but than there is that part of me that doesn`t want to stand up in front of 100 plus people and speak with the body I have at this time. There are so many things that keep me holding on to my goals but so many things that have me letting go.

As Michael shared with you my friend helped create a workout for me. I really need to put it into play. Yes, I am admitting I have not really worked out to that plan yet. Tomorrow I am going to sit down and write out my schedule. I feel a daily schedule right at this moment will help me the most. So, time management and meal planning is my goal for tomorrow.

I am also going to try to blog more as much as I can. I really want to continue this lifestyle change until the end...well there is no end to this really. There is no giving up. I remember in the beginning I was all about this and than slowly day by day I found myself slowly giving in to my old life. I know things have changed since January. I am lighter, I feel better and even my taste buds have changed but yet sometimes I feel like I have moved no where!

So with my goals in mind...CHEERS to TOMORROW!!

For Now,

Wednesday, March 20, 2013

Week #....11? Hehe

Here's the results!  The week saw the start of a new workout routine for both of us.  I have been keeping with the circuit training program.  Jocelyn will speak on her results tomorrow :)  The workout is definitely exhausting right now.  But I am hopeful for large gains in my endurance from this.  It just takes a couple days to recover then I'm right back to it!

Jocelyn's Results
Weight Gained: 2 lbs
Status: Gonna try harder...

Michael's Results
Weight Gained: 1 lb
Status: Well...this will end

Well whoooooooooooo knows.  We both gained, though it has been hard to keep a regular diet as Jocelyn transitions to her new job.  We will get back into it full force and conquer these plateaus! I guarantee it.  I have a positive attitude still :)  We came so far already and did so well.  Here's to the start of what will hopefully be a winning week #11!! :)

Michael OUT!

Tuesday, March 19, 2013

Howdy All!

Due to the change in Jocelyn's work schedule (she is gone pretty much all day long till very late night), we are pushing weekly weigh in results to Wednesdays.  Hopefully this works with everyone's schedules ;)

This past week started my circuit training.  The first session totally kicked my butt.  I had never felt so exhausted before in my life.  The following few days were a joy too :) EVERYTHING hurt haha.  Though, my body will get used to it and I made it.  So the workout goes as follows (just naming the target muscles, 1 set each):

  1. Triceps
  2. Chest
  3. Biceps
  4. Shoulders/Neck
  5. Back
  6. Obliques
  7. Quads
  8. Hammies
  9. Calves
  10. Forearms
  11. Cardio for 5-10 Minutes
  12. Repeat 1-11 three times
I figure this will be great for building up my cardiovascular endurance (and so do several actual experts), which most will know is total crap right now.  This will be essential in being able to finish a bicycle race when Jocelyn and I sign up for one.

Tomorrow is the next circuit training session, wish me luck!  Well I shall go back to my evening for tonight.  We are going to post our results tomorrow.  Have a wonderful evening everyone!

Michael OUT!

Thursday, March 14, 2013

Cravings Ahhhh!!

I don't know what it is but the cravings have come back for a fierce attack!  I'm just sitting myself here and not letting myself leave this seat until it passes.  Otherwise I know my silly little legs would start walking myself to my car and sitting me down for a disastrous drive to the local Wendy's or the like.  I am going to just focus on writing this post for a while, and then maybe focus on my breathing for a while to get my mind under control.  On a side note, tomorrow is the start of full on circuit training.  Focus must be gained.  Control must be achieved.  Motivation must be garnered.  I must meet my goal. :)

Okay, I think the cravings have passed.  That was some of the worst yet hah.  But I'm in control people :)  I have been awake since 3:00AM so maybe that is why they came on so strong.

Jocelyn is starting a workout routine built by her friend at class.  I took a look at the routine she has written out, she will soon be able to kick my butt ;) That is unless I stick to my circuit training, which I will no question.  I was lucky to be able to come home early from work today and see Jocelyn before she made her trek off to work and find out how her class day and first real workout with her friend went.  I prepared her a hearty Bongorno's world famous omelet so she can take in her protein to help her body recover.  As soon as she left I promptly took a nap.  So here I am, post-craving, time to figure out what to make myself for dinner.  Next time I post I will let you all know how the circuit training went and I will kind of give you what it entailed.  I am sure I will express how much it kicks my butt :)  Till then, smile! You're on candid...well just smile!

Michael OUT!

Wednesday, March 13, 2013

Apologies Everyone! We Are Still Goin!...Week 10 Results

We apologize to our followers! We have taken a while to post and fell back on a posting promise for last weeks results!  This will not happen again, we have a blog posting schedule now :) So you won't have to endure this long of silence, and get bored of us hehe.  Well since we have been away for over one week, we owe you some results!  We will go from what we posted 2 weeks ago from Tuesday.  And for the results!  Jocelyn's got herself a very unique outfit ;) Enjoy!

Jocelyn's Results
Weight Lost: 1.2 lbs
Status: Going Down!!! :)

Michael's Results
Weight Gained: 1 lb
Status: Going Up?? :\

Hopefully this marks the end of weight gain for me.  I am ramping up the work out routine, trying a bit of circuit training.  The body will most definitely fight back for a couple weeks haha but it'll be worth it in the long run, build up great endurance/strength and aerobic stamina.  Enough about, Jocelyn is doing so amazing :) I'm always so proud of her.  She's starting out working out with a friend soon, who seems to be quite knowledgeable about fitness as her husband is a personal trainer, that'll be great for her.  She will be a good motivator for Jocelyn.  I'm excited for the future as always, just wait till you all see us this Christmas :)

In summary, expect more posts, expect more lost poundage, expect a happier healthier Jocelyn and Mike. :) Till the 'morrow.

Michael OUT!

Tuesday, March 5, 2013

Check in Tomorrow for the Results

Sorry everyone, we need to delay the results one day.  Tonight is Jocelyn's last day of work at her current job, before she moves onto her new one closer to home.  She is getting back late-ish and we are going to celebrate moving onto new things and the fact I don't have to worry about her driving 2 hours every workday anymore! :)  Please check in tomorrow night for the results of week 9!  Sorry again.

Michael OUT!