Tuesday, September 10, 2013

We're Back...Again? For Real!

Well after a long hiatus, after we fell off the face of the Earth, after we went AWOL, WE'RE BACK!  Thoroughly motivated this time and with a solid plan that we plan to enact.

Life got a bit overwhelming for a while, with planning for a luau on top of everything else, but we can't let that make us slip.  In the grand scheme of things, it was just a minor bump.  Time to get back up, brush ourselves off and move forward determined.

We have not decided what the official first weigh-in day will be yet but it will be fairly soon.  Tomorrow is the start of Regular Weekly Grocery Shopping Wednesday.  Tonight we are planning out our menu for the next 7 days.  We found that this helped a lot in the past, and I believe was absolutely essential to my ability to stick with a good diet.

I am going to delve a bit deeper for a moment...

Most of you know that I juggle a lot of things currently, and have been for quite some time.  A full-time job, consulting gig, trying to maintain a healthy social life, etc.  A lot of things competing for my time, and I have to find some way to fit improving and maintaining my health in there.  I can tell you right now, efforts are being made to make something change.  Jocelyn, friends, family, and my health come way before any of the other pieces, and if any of those other pieces are impacting the primary 4 negatively, it's time for a change.  I let priorities get out of whack because I'm always so willing to please everyone.  This has led to an enormous amount of unnecessary stress placed upon my shoulders for a sustained period.  I have to remember that I am in control of what affects me and how things affect me, I have been given a fresh perspective on life.  Gone is the 2012 Mike who was irritable, impatient and quick to giving up.  It is time for me to be more confident in who I am and being who I want to be no matter what, no compromising my values because I think someone has a problem with it or there's a chance of failure.  Time to be that vision of success, confidence and good composure that I always dream I could be.  Those of you exposed to 2012 (early 2013) Mike was shown a bad example of who that is.  And I intend to make up for that.  I hope for continued love and support from everyone in my life, because I guarantee this will be a challenge.  I know I will always love and support Jocelyn throughout our lifestyle change, and stop myself from being the one to bring her down when I have moments of weakness.  You can't learn if you never fail.

Okay, don't worry! I am done splattering bits of my inner thoughts all over the page.  I hope we can garner all of your following again.  We look forward to change, and hope to share in it with everyone who will give us a few moments of their time every day.

Thanks to everyone! You all are the foundation of our strength, and we want to be a part of everyone's lives for a long time!

Michael OUT

Wednesday, June 19, 2013

Random Butt Kickin'

I'm just gonna start throwing my random thoughts up here again.  When I feel like saying something I will be posting something.  I am just a bit away from 3 straight weeks of lifting/core training/cardio.  I know I am going to do it this time, because I have never felt this excited and motivated to do it!  I have two goals that I want to set in stone for 2013:
  1. Lose at least another 50 lbs.
  2. Be able to complete Core fitness test with little to no difficulty.  Check it out here Core Strength and Stability Test
Once these are completed I will give myself new milestones.  I can see a couple of major goals in the future.  Here are some long term goals (without some specifics since I am not totally aware of my fitness level in some activities yet):
  1. Maintain fitness to improve quality of life and length of life for my loved one's sakes.  Yes even to be able to keep up with my future children whenever they show up :)  This one is hard to measure, but you all get the idea.
  2. Complete my first Bike Race (23 miles?).
  3. Complete a Bike Tour (30+ miles).
  4. Improve flexibility to point my knees and hip joints no longer hurt when walking for length of time
  5. Run a mile in under 10 minutes?
And some dream goals, they are possible!:
  1. Have great enough full body strength to be able to learn to break dance
  2. Perform back flips
  3. Be able to do hand stand push-ups.
  4. Hike some major mountain
  5. And so on...
Well I am off to enjoy the rest of my evening.  See you all next time!

Michael OUT!

Tuesday, June 11, 2013

Week 24!

A successful week it has been since last Monday!  We have started workout routines, Jocelyn started working towards her 5K.  We have worked out every day pretty much since then.  I started my routine which involves 5 days of lifting, cardio every day, and core exercises every day.  We are going to have those rock solid bodies no matter what!

Jocelyn and I started gym memberships at Planet Fitness and this has been a catalyst for both of us.  I am actually happy to say that I am very excited about working out and becoming fit with Jocelyn.  For the first time ever I can honestly say it.  It is going pretty well.   Jocelyn has gotten herself a personal trainer that is helping her get used to all of the intricacies of lifting and cardio.  Things are set for success!  And the results are!

Jocelyn's Results
Weight Gained: 0.2 lbs
Status: Kickin booty!

Michael's Results
Weight Gained: 0.5 lbs
Status: Takin' Names!

We will have pics tomorrow.  Jocelyn's camera is dead so it needs to charge.  Till next time.

Michael OUT!

Friday, June 7, 2013

Let`s Get Physical!

Hello followers!
Believe it or not it has been a couple of productive days for Mike and myself. Yesterday we both joined the gym craze at Planet Fitness. I was able to talk Mike into a membership and now I don`t know if it was a good idea because he is going to drag my butt to the gym (ok, that is a good thing). I am extremely excited that Mike is joining me at the gym and going there makes it even more fun!
Yesterday I completed another Couch to 5k work out to my dismay. I am a tad behind but I will be catching up soon. The program is three days a week and currently I start with a 5 minute walking warm up and than do interval of 60 seconds running and 90 seconds walking for 20 minutes and ending with a 5 minute walking cool down. I am enjoying running alot but I enjoy the fact that I have not given up yet. At the end of my run I am exhausted and I want to fall down and never move again but I keep on moving. All my life I have been a quitter so setting a goal for myself such as a 5k is a big deal. The biggest commitment will be when I sign up with my friends and come up with a team name! I can`t begin to tell you how excited I am to actually cross something off my bucket list which just happened to be a 5k. Now, I will admit there are tons of things I would like to do in my life such as sky diving, traveling, and also scuba diving but for now this will do.

Yesterday was our first work out at the gym. Michael was nice enough and walked me thru my moves and helped me figure out weights. I am baffled when it comes to exercise and figuring out the right types of moves to do. My problem areas are my hips and arms which I would not mind seeing slowly becoming trimmer by October! In our house you can easily come across dozens of fitness magazines all of which I bought with good intentions of doing the workouts, and of course I failed!
However, enough of this failure talk! So what if I failed in the past, does it matter? No, of course not!!  What matters is now, today and what I do with it. What matters is what I learned from the past and how I can move forward. This is what I have learned:

1. Exercise hurts and it does not get easy
2. The next day after I work out I am going to swear I will never do it again
3. I am an emotional eater but I have to realize that food will not fill that void.
4. It is easy to quit but difficult to start
5. There will be those who want me to fail but many more who want me to succeed.
6. Food is like friends, it can be good for you but you have to choose the right type because the bad type can lead you into trouble (aka fatness)
7.  Bad days are not excuses to lay on the couch and mope.
8. There are times I will feel defeated, but there will be many more times where I will feel well accomplished

As you can see I have learned a whole lot, and I will continue to learn. I still have the goal in mind of being fit for my best friends wedding in October and also Mike and mine's 3rd anniversary! I have so much to look forward to so now is the time to get moving!

Also, Mike and I were discussing about taking dance classes. We have always wanted to do it together for fun. Plus, I can not dance to save my life so this is the time to do it! Who here thinks we should take dance lessons?

Now, I must bid you good night untill the next time but I would like to leave you with an inspiring qoute....
"Life is like riding a bicycle, to keep your balance you must keep moving"

For now,

Wednesday, June 5, 2013

Week 23..Set Backs...And Recoveries...It's Life! Time to Start Fresh

It has been a long time since we have posted results and we have decided to restart the count and today just tell everyone the total amount of weight we have still kept off from our initial run.  Now we shall start fresh! And here you have it!:

Jocelyn's Results
Total Lost: 14.3 lbs

Michael's Results
Total Lost: 14.0 lbs

This post is a promise that we are officially starting up the weigh-ins again.  Next week will have photos and weight lost from this week.

An interesting fact, Jocelyn has heard from some people of the healing power of laughter recently and how as little as 15 minutes of laughter a day can improve one's state of mind, and physical health.  So starting this week, Jocelyn and I are going to dedicate at least 15 minutes a day to laughing.  Whether that is through YouTube videos of baby's laughing, comedy skits, or just plain enjoying one another's company and being goofy, we will enjoy some good laughing. :)

Hey, maybe everyone can help? Or if any of our loyal followers wants to participate in the laughter experiment. :) Does anyone have anything they have seen or heard recently that they think would make us laugh?  Post it in the comments, we would love it :)

Well I should get to whatever I need to be gettin' too.  Hope everyone is as excited as we are to be starting fresh!

Michael OUT!

Burn Baby Burn

Hey guys! So this is just a short little post telling you Mike and I did weigh ourselves today and we will post picture results tomorrow! I can't wait to share with all of you again . This has truly been a journey for the both of us , and I am glad you are partaking in it with us. Today I finished another work out in couch to 5k. As most of you probably read from mike I am going to be participating in a 5k on August 10th in Toledo, Oh. I can not even begin to express how nervous I am but I feel this will be a good motivator for me. It has always been on my bucket list to run a 5k and now I am finally doing it and I will push myself to the finish line (even if I am last in place). I am hurting of coarse from the work out but it is the good kind of hurt so I say bring on the burn!!! I hope this work out thing becomes addicting as many people say it is because as of right now I could easily give it up. However, this time I am not allowing myself to give up. I control my life and the choices I make for myself so I  am choosing to do this 5k and this 8 week program in order to gain strength. I may sweat,I may hurt and I may want to give up but I must remember that nothing  worth getting is ever easy. A healthy body is just like a college degree, you must earn it! So here is to the future burn from all the work outs to come!!! See you guys tomorrow, 


Sunday, June 2, 2013

Off We Go

This week starts kick butt week! We are gonna begin kickin some major gym booty.  I have a doc appointment in 16 days and I want to break through my plateau, and Jocelyn is bout done with her plateau and wants to bust through it too! 

This Tuesday expect the pictures and weigh-ins to start back up.  Regular updates on our progress and tips and pointers we learn along the way.  Jocelyn has a 5K to train for and I have super defined buffness to achieve! I feel so exhausted and like I am always left in the dust when I see everyone out there just enjoying physical activities, while I am inside dreading the thought of having to move. It's been almost 18 years of this crap and it just has to end.  For my sake and for my current and future loved one's sakes.

I was a lanky kid back in the day, I wasn't meant to be like this and be lethargic like this.  I was so crazy and energetic. Just ask my parents.  My pre 10 year old self would be sick and bored of my 28 year old self if he had to hang out with me.  He'd say I'm a kid trapped in a fat old tired body and you shouldn't let these good years go by on your arse when you could be doing so much with your life.  So short story long, I need to heed my pre 10 year old self's advice and begin living my life by actively participating in it, not just sitting on the sidelines watching it go by wondering what it would have been like or could be like...

Michael OUT!!

Tuesday, May 28, 2013

Cousin Got Married..Check...I Got Fatter...Check...Now I'm Kickin Serious Booty...Pending Check

Well there was a couple of crazy weeks of lifestyle change failures.  Now we are on the other side of all of the big events for the spring and it's time we start boosting our exercise routines and healthier lifestyle.  Tonight I am going to work on getting some tasks out of the way on my computer and then I am going to plan out my entire weekly workout routine.  It needs a reboot and I plan on making it exciting and fun to get into.  On a side note, I will be using an app or two to make it more interesting and thought I would share those with you right now.

Nexercise (link)

Nexercise is a fun little app for the iPhone and Android phones that tracks your workouts with a little extra incentive, PRIZES!  The more you work out the more point and "pocket change" you earn that you can spend towards three different things.  First, you can choose to spend these points on entering contests for a chance to win big prizes.  Second, you can spend your points towards gift cards! They offer a variety of brands, from Puma to Nike.  Third, you can choose to translate those points into money towards charities.  There are a couple other options I don't quite understand at the moment because I don't have accounts for them, but there's "Pocket Change" and "Kiip" as well as the mPOINTS I just discussed.

GymPact (link)

GymPact is quite the interesting entry in the whole fitness app game.  The idea is this...You form a "pact" each week of the number of days you plan on working out next week.  Then you pledge a certain dollar amount that you are willing to lose if you miss a workout.  The kicker here is that if you keep the pact, you MAKE MONEY!! :)  If you are willing to use this as an incentive (losing money if you miss workouts and earning money if you stick to it) then this is for you!

Needless to say, I will be using Nexercise for now, until exercise becomes routine in my life.  

The goal is to lose what I gained back the last few weeks by my Doctor's appointment in 19 days.  Jocelyn started working towards her goal today.  She began the Couch to 5K program.  I will let her talk about that more next time she posts, but basically she is shooting for running the Run or Dye 5K.  I am looking forward to that purely because I get to throw dye on her while she is running hehehehe ;) 

If I'm not too embarrassed by my workout routine I may post it up! hah just messin, I won't be, so I shall post it when it is done and everyone can help me tweak it to make it better if you like :)

Michael OUT!

Wednesday, May 15, 2013

You Wouldn't Like Me When I'm Angry, HULK SMASH!

Slowly but surely getting back into the swing of things.  Tomorrow I will begin my workout regimen.  3-5 lifting days, 3-5 cardio/core exercises, 1 circuit training day per week.  This flabby mess will be a solid hunk of muscle if I have to kill myself doing it.  I think I am starting to get a handle on the root of my frustrations and anger as of late.  Little things have been bothering me but I could never tell why.  I have been tracking every little thing that triggers anger/changes in mood the past couple days.  The irritability has been messing with my motivation to workout and eat well.  I think this will be an essential step towards progressing.  It is helping make me realize that a lot of the time they are silly things that I really shouldn't be wasting my time fuming over and hurting my health.

Stressing and anger increases risk of high blood pressure, heart attack, and damage to other organs, and generally interfere with the normal functioning of a lot of our various systems.  Also these mental states have been known to slow down metabolism, decrease motivation, and increase cravings and susceptibility to addictions, of which food is for me.  The best way of tackling problems like these is by finding the root of them and going at it from there and I think I will be able to pinpoint that and start working on it.  I am going to start tackling the various stressors that I can get out of the way so I can move beyond this overwhelmed feeling.  Another thing I have to keep in mind is that life is not always fair and I can't expect the general populous to live to my expectations of common courtesy and respect.  If I can accept that, then that will eliminate a number of my frustrations.

Anyways, I am all over the place!  I am kind of starting to take posting as a way to let my flow of consciousness materialize on this page.  It can be somewhat therapeutic.  Please comment on any of my ramblings, let me know if I'm totally out of left field with any of my assumptions and observations :) I need to start accepting others' help, I cannot do this by myself and of course I am no subject matter expert when it comes to this new found Type A personality that came out of 2012 and when it comes to physical fitness.  All I know is that I am extremely sure I want to improve myself in every way possible.  This ten years of laziness and procrastination needs to be on its way out for good.  Kiss it goodbye and let the door hit it hard on the arse on the way out!

I will see you all in two days and let you know how the new Mike is turning out!

Michael OUT!

Tuesday, May 14, 2013

What's going on??

Hey guys! So what week is this now? It's week 20! i can't believe it,only 32 more weeks to go for 2013! Believe me,we have a lot of work to do still!

As Mike explained we sort if have up and let life take over.  Our good eating habits that we achieved over the past couple of months began to slowly dwindle back to the awful habits we once encountered.  After weeks of feeling not the greatest due to these bad choices we decided it is time to start over again!!

My new schedule is going well at work.  I am rather enjoying working directly with dementia and Alzheimer's patients tremendously!  SInce my schedule is strictly first shift is it slowly becoming easier to be motivated to work out!  You will be happy to know last week I went on 3 bike rides! I am going to strive to do three bike rides this week as well as two strength training work outs!  I have also been using the fitness buddy app on my iPhone and watching my calorie intake, it is really useful! If anyone wants to add me feel free!  i would love to have more fitness buddies :)

Due to not weighing ourselves today look forward to pictures tomorrow!!! I can't wait until then!

Monday, May 13, 2013

The Return

It has been an eventful and busy several weeks where we lost sight of this blog and our new way, lifestyle change.  Like a number of people in this world we let ourselves become overwhelmed with all the demands and trials life has given to us.  This made it difficult to see the forest through the trees, at least for me.  I was able to take a step back on my trip home this past weekend and see the source of some of my feelings and laziness as well. 

I have decided to focus on two primary goals to get a hold back on my life.  One - get some after hours projects done and over with to alleviate the extra stress and free up time to actually wind down from the stresses of work and other things. Two - ignore my initial gut reactions to things, as they tend to stop me from accomplishing anything.  As well as think things through before making decisions on whether or not I want to go on a bike ride today, work on after hours work today, clean around the house today, post on the blog today, etc...I need to balance out how I think, with respect to myself and with respect to others. Sometimes I neglect myself and sometimes others.

This weekend, a couple of our awesome followers brought the blog up to me and how it was a help to them in a variety of forms.  Thanks to them, this totally reaffirmed my belief in the value of continuing this blog.  Thank you!! I will begin posting more and more as we resume our lifestyle change.  More frequent shorter posts unlike this one lol :) This time through it will not be entirely focused only on what happened that day/week with regards to the lifestyle change but also about life in Toledo and updates about Jocelyn and I as we become more active this summer.  Some of our loyal followers had made it clear that they liked reading because it was a window into what/how we were doing.

I do not know why I didn't think of this originally in regards to this blog, but 'lifestyle' is not just about how we eat and how we exercise, but also about how we think, how we feel, what we do with each other, how we treat others.  This is a great opportunity to reshape every facet that needs reshaping and keep everyone up to date on our progress in hopes to better our situation and to be inspirational to others and show everyone even our lazy butts can get it done ;) 

Okay I think I bored you all to tears enough.  :) Jocelyn just got home so I am going to greet her with a smile and big open arms!

Michael OUT

Wednesday, April 10, 2013

And We're Back!

Hi all! We have been on a hiatus it would appear! But we are back.  We had a crazy schedule shift with Jocelyn's job change and a number of other things happening. We had a bit of a slump over the past few weeks.  Though, I am happy to say, we are swinging back full force!  For starters let's see the damage from the past few weeks:

Jocelyn's Results
Weight Gained: 2.4 lbs
Status: We're back and kickin'

Michael's Results
Weight Gained: 7 lbs
Status: Here we go again, for realz!

I'd say for the amount of time we suffered this slump, that's not too bad at all! We didn't lose our ground, just a minor set back in the long term that is the rest of our lives.  Eating well, working out, it's the full deal this time.  I think we'll start seeing results, and at the very least all of you loyal followers will be seeing more posts!  You sticking with us is a big motivator, thank you so much everyone!  I will leave it here for today as it is getting kind of late.  BUT know this...You have NOT heard the last of us.

Michael OUT!

Monday, April 8, 2013

For the love of PEEPS!

In case you have been wandering about my absence I have been having an affair with peeps. Yes, I have said it, I have been having an affair with those fluffy marshmallow concoctions. Why you may ask? I just do not know. I have always loved Peeps all my life they especially remind me of my grandpa. However, the love of peeps has not been my only obstacle the past couple weeks. I realize Michael and I have sadly strayed away from our lifestyle change. We were doing so well and than all of a sudden when there was a change in our lifestyle this new change suddenly came to a halt. We have been going through an on going schedule battle. Most nights Michael and I do not eat dinner together anymore , so we do not cook as much together. Also, the nights we do our shopping and weigh in have changed as well because I now work second shift on those nights. So, after several weeks of both of us in a slump we decided it was time to get out of it and go on with our lives. This is not a reason for us to quit just alter our schedule a bit. So, there is a proposed plan in play to see how it works for the next couple of weeks. This is it:

Monday- WEIGH IN DAY/RESULTS along with Shopping and Chopping!
Tuesday- Mike is in charge of the blog
Wednesday- Jocelyn is in charge of the blog
Thursday- Mike is in charge of the blog
Friday-Jocelyn is in charge of the blog
Saturday and Sunday will vary depending on if I work the weekend of not. If I work Mike will do it, if I am off than the blog is my responsibility.

Mike and I have found that having a laid out plan is best for us at this point since my schedule jumps around a lot and I am still in the midst of getting used to it! So, this is one of the many changes that is taking place in our life but it is very necessary. I have been feeling very guilty that I have been slacking on this lifestyle change and at times have been ready to throw in the towel.
The nice weather is putting me in a particularly good mood lately. Mike and I have been talking about purchasing roller blades and finally learning how to roller blade. This may be a little dangerous at first but have no fear I will be wearing a helmet. I have been thinking up all sorts of creative ways to get active over the next few months and roller blading is one of them. I also love to go on bike rides. Today I rode my bike to the gas station and put some air in it. My goal Wednesday is to actually hit the bike trail for about an hour before work. I figured if I could just find things to enjoy such as bike riding and roller blading than maybe just maybe taking the weight off won`t be as hard. I have also been researching the possibility of getting a pool pass for the summer to one of our public pools here in Sylvania because I  have always loved to swim.This is up in the air for the moment along with a gym membership. I have been researching gyms lately as well but only really one sparks my interest just because it offers kick boxing and yoga. I have always wanted to try classes like those.
These are just some things I am thinking about today. Mostly the point of this blog was for two purposes, one to confess my affair with peeps and two to tell you WE ARE BACK!!! Now, due to us not weighing ourselves today we will announce our weights tomorrow of what we gained or lost since our last weigh in on the blog, mostly gain. I really don`t think either one of us has lost since last time we posted. However, next week is a very good week I can feel it in my bones!!!

So, thank you for those of us who have not given up on us. Please keep supporting us because we really do need it!
Until Wednesday,

Thursday, March 21, 2013

She's Got High Hopes

Well folks I guess I should say "Hello", sorry it has been so long! My schedule has been nothing short of hectic. Between figuring out my new schedule and incorporating it into my life and keeping up with school I am slowly drowning. Sometimes I just want to come home and pass out, and sometimes I do. With that being said my lifestyle change has been slowly slacking as well.

My schedule is currently a balance between first shift and second shift. Adding school into that you have a recipe for chaos. It is becoming rather difficult to have an eating schedule like I did as well as cooking every night. My plan was to rely on slow cooked meals but as of right now that is not even working. Honestly, we have had good intentions with buying healthy foods and setting goals, but some of them have not been put back into place. I will say that I am still eating healthy lunches but not as much water as I used to due to it is hard to drink as much water as I used to during work. Everything has changed in my life and I am still trying to adapt.

Some days when I step on the scale I feel as though it is lying and I am really not loosing any weight. I am stuck on a plateau and I can not get off it. I know my number one problem is my fear and also not willing to move forward. I know I have to up my game and change my plans. I always have great plans but have a very difficult time putting them into action.

However, I still have high hopes. I have so many things to look forward to this year that I want to look fantastic at. Michael and I have many weddings to go to this year and I would love to feel great in a dress instead of obsessing which color makes my thighs look smaller, which cut makes my arms slimmer, and which fabric clings less to my belly. For once I would love to throw on a dress and just go with it but for the time being I can not. This October my best friend is getting married and I am her maid of honor! It is so exciting to me and also a big honor to be a part of her special day but than there is that part of me that doesn`t want to stand up in front of 100 plus people and speak with the body I have at this time. There are so many things that keep me holding on to my goals but so many things that have me letting go.

As Michael shared with you my friend helped create a workout for me. I really need to put it into play. Yes, I am admitting I have not really worked out to that plan yet. Tomorrow I am going to sit down and write out my schedule. I feel a daily schedule right at this moment will help me the most. So, time management and meal planning is my goal for tomorrow.

I am also going to try to blog more as much as I can. I really want to continue this lifestyle change until the end...well there is no end to this really. There is no giving up. I remember in the beginning I was all about this and than slowly day by day I found myself slowly giving in to my old life. I know things have changed since January. I am lighter, I feel better and even my taste buds have changed but yet sometimes I feel like I have moved no where!

So with my goals in mind...CHEERS to TOMORROW!!

For Now,

Wednesday, March 20, 2013

Week #....11? Hehe

Here's the results!  The week saw the start of a new workout routine for both of us.  I have been keeping with the circuit training program.  Jocelyn will speak on her results tomorrow :)  The workout is definitely exhausting right now.  But I am hopeful for large gains in my endurance from this.  It just takes a couple days to recover then I'm right back to it!

Jocelyn's Results
Weight Gained: 2 lbs
Status: Gonna try harder...

Michael's Results
Weight Gained: 1 lb
Status: Well...this will end

Well whoooooooooooo knows.  We both gained, though it has been hard to keep a regular diet as Jocelyn transitions to her new job.  We will get back into it full force and conquer these plateaus! I guarantee it.  I have a positive attitude still :)  We came so far already and did so well.  Here's to the start of what will hopefully be a winning week #11!! :)

Michael OUT!

Tuesday, March 19, 2013

Howdy All!

Due to the change in Jocelyn's work schedule (she is gone pretty much all day long till very late night), we are pushing weekly weigh in results to Wednesdays.  Hopefully this works with everyone's schedules ;)

This past week started my circuit training.  The first session totally kicked my butt.  I had never felt so exhausted before in my life.  The following few days were a joy too :) EVERYTHING hurt haha.  Though, my body will get used to it and I made it.  So the workout goes as follows (just naming the target muscles, 1 set each):

  1. Triceps
  2. Chest
  3. Biceps
  4. Shoulders/Neck
  5. Back
  6. Obliques
  7. Quads
  8. Hammies
  9. Calves
  10. Forearms
  11. Cardio for 5-10 Minutes
  12. Repeat 1-11 three times
I figure this will be great for building up my cardiovascular endurance (and so do several actual experts), which most will know is total crap right now.  This will be essential in being able to finish a bicycle race when Jocelyn and I sign up for one.

Tomorrow is the next circuit training session, wish me luck!  Well I shall go back to my evening for tonight.  We are going to post our results tomorrow.  Have a wonderful evening everyone!

Michael OUT!

Thursday, March 14, 2013

Cravings Ahhhh!!

I don't know what it is but the cravings have come back for a fierce attack!  I'm just sitting myself here and not letting myself leave this seat until it passes.  Otherwise I know my silly little legs would start walking myself to my car and sitting me down for a disastrous drive to the local Wendy's or the like.  I am going to just focus on writing this post for a while, and then maybe focus on my breathing for a while to get my mind under control.  On a side note, tomorrow is the start of full on circuit training.  Focus must be gained.  Control must be achieved.  Motivation must be garnered.  I must meet my goal. :)

Okay, I think the cravings have passed.  That was some of the worst yet hah.  But I'm in control people :)  I have been awake since 3:00AM so maybe that is why they came on so strong.

Jocelyn is starting a workout routine built by her friend at class.  I took a look at the routine she has written out, she will soon be able to kick my butt ;) That is unless I stick to my circuit training, which I will no question.  I was lucky to be able to come home early from work today and see Jocelyn before she made her trek off to work and find out how her class day and first real workout with her friend went.  I prepared her a hearty Bongorno's world famous omelet so she can take in her protein to help her body recover.  As soon as she left I promptly took a nap.  So here I am, post-craving, time to figure out what to make myself for dinner.  Next time I post I will let you all know how the circuit training went and I will kind of give you what it entailed.  I am sure I will express how much it kicks my butt :)  Till then, smile! You're on candid...well just smile!

Michael OUT!

Wednesday, March 13, 2013

Apologies Everyone! We Are Still Goin!...Week 10 Results

We apologize to our followers! We have taken a while to post and fell back on a posting promise for last weeks results!  This will not happen again, we have a blog posting schedule now :) So you won't have to endure this long of silence, and get bored of us hehe.  Well since we have been away for over one week, we owe you some results!  We will go from what we posted 2 weeks ago from Tuesday.  And for the results!  Jocelyn's got herself a very unique outfit ;) Enjoy!

Jocelyn's Results
Weight Lost: 1.2 lbs
Status: Going Down!!! :)

Michael's Results
Weight Gained: 1 lb
Status: Going Up?? :\

Hopefully this marks the end of weight gain for me.  I am ramping up the work out routine, trying a bit of circuit training.  The body will most definitely fight back for a couple weeks haha but it'll be worth it in the long run, build up great endurance/strength and aerobic stamina.  Enough about, Jocelyn is doing so amazing :) I'm always so proud of her.  She's starting out working out with a friend soon, who seems to be quite knowledgeable about fitness as her husband is a personal trainer, that'll be great for her.  She will be a good motivator for Jocelyn.  I'm excited for the future as always, just wait till you all see us this Christmas :)

In summary, expect more posts, expect more lost poundage, expect a happier healthier Jocelyn and Mike. :) Till the 'morrow.

Michael OUT!

Tuesday, March 5, 2013

Check in Tomorrow for the Results

Sorry everyone, we need to delay the results one day.  Tonight is Jocelyn's last day of work at her current job, before she moves onto her new one closer to home.  She is getting back late-ish and we are going to celebrate moving onto new things and the fact I don't have to worry about her driving 2 hours every workday anymore! :)  Please check in tomorrow night for the results of week 9!  Sorry again.

Michael OUT!

Tuesday, February 26, 2013

Week 8 Results Are In!

I am happy to say I recovered from last week and broke the 30 lbs goal that my doctor and I set for me to hit by my next visit in June!  Jocelyn is making positive progress too, and I'm so proud of her even if she doesn't like the 0.2 lbs lost lol.  Any weight lost is a win!

This week the 5:30AM workouts have commenced.  I actually find that they are easier to stick to as long as I get myself out of bed.  No million excuses to use that early in the morning to skip out on it.  :)  So far it is working for me, and I am noticing a slight energy boost, but not much at all yet.  I know this is because I am just really getting back into working out and it'll take several before I get those wonderful workout highs :D So I will stick to it.  I shall move onto the results!

Jocelyn's Results
Weight Lost: 0.2 lbs
Status: Awww that's all

Michael's Results
Weight Lost: 4.2 lbs
Status: I hit my goal for June Doc Appt :D

Overall positive week for both of us!  Can't wait to see what a full week of working out will do for the weight loss.  On a boring side note, but fun for me! I have started working towards my dream and started to teach myself graphics programming! It's good to be learning again. I sometimes dance around the idea of graduate school, but I sure don't have the funding quite yet.  I think having a professor and fellow students would help with the learning process, because otherwise its just me and a book and google! :-X  Well I am off to whatever this goofy guy usually does on a Tuesday! Games/Movies/and now self-teaching.

Michael OUT!

Wednesday, February 20, 2013

Extra Extra! Read All About It!!

Hello fellow followers!! It has been a bit of time since I have been on here and I realize I owe you some explanation. Over the past year I have been traveling an hour back and forth to work in order to meet some family needs. In September my new residence became an hour away from my facility but I still traveled back and forth mainly because I am scared of change. So, over the past couple weeks I have been looking for new jobs but mostly focusing on a transfer. The great news is I did get the transfer, I get to spend less money on gas, less time driving, and less wear and tear on my car! The bad news is I am going into new territory and most of all leaving a big group of people who over time has become my family! So today was bittersweet to me to say the least(more about this later). In conclusion Mike and I did celebrate to my new transfer and this bittersweet situation!

Now enough of this sad stuff! I have to say I was quite pleased with my weight loss,because I have no clue how I lost it. I still am not exercisng at all but this will change tomorrow as I will be going back to the college gym! I am excited! On a negative note my lower back has been literally killing me and I am afraid I will have to go to a chiropractor, which puts a damper on moving around because it does hurt tremendously!

So here are my goals for this week:
Exercise two times for at least 30 minutes each.
Research more about coconut oil and possibly buy some (more about that tomorrow)
Stretch every day before and after work.

I would really like to lose 3 pounds again next week but honestly I will take what I am given.....

Now since it has been so long since we last spoke, I have some fun pictures to share with you!!!

Tonight's Dinner: 20 Clove Chicken
This delicious crock pot dinner contained chicken with white wine, oregano, crushed red peppers, sweet basil, cayenne pepper, black pepper, celery, onions, carrots, lemon juice, and 20 cloves of garlic! It was super easy, just put it all together, throw it in the crock pot, and than come home to a delicious meal!!! On top of that the entire meal was a whopping 170 calories!!!(and there's enough leftover for 2 meals)

This is Mike and I on Valentines day at Zia`s Italian restaurant! I just thought it would be neat to show some pictures of us dressed up and also how far we have come!!! I adore this picture of us. On a positive side, I haven`t been able to fit into this dress for over 3 years!

I love Michael Bongorno!! 
Happy Valentines Day to you!!!

And...Mike wishes you happy Valentines Day as well! Isn`t he looking handsome?(well, even more handsome!!!!)

Well, my dear followers I will bid you good bye and until next time when we shall meet again!!
For now,

Tuesday, February 19, 2013

Week 7 Sleven!

Here we are folks!!! The results for week 7!

Jocelyn's Results
Weight Lost: 3.7 lbs
Status: Thumbs Up Dude

Michael's Results
Weight Gained: 0.8 lbs
Status: Thumbs Down Frown

A gain, but no loss of motivation over here, this just bumps up my motivation.  I'll show you 0.8 lbs! :) I'm super proud of Jocelyn this week :) She's kickin some booty.  She keeps me so motivated too.  We are each others pillars of strength through this.  She is looking GOOOOOOOOOOOOOOD :D

Ooooo man the sushi smells good tonight, I may have to exit early.  I promise we will post this week!  Its just been a busy busy time.  Argo is on the agenda tonight I think.  Well catch y'all soon.

Michael OUT!

Tuesday, February 12, 2013

Week 6, Pick Up Sticks!

And we are here at week #6 over with! :) Sorry its been another hectic week with work and everything that posting has been utterly difficult.  But things are calming down and we should be on more often!  Hopefully we haven't lost any of you devoted followers ;)  Lets get to what everyone is waiting for! WEEK 6 RESULTS!!!

Jocelyn's Results
Weight Lost: 1.3 lbs
Status: Oh yeah Oh yeah! What what, fishy face!

Michael's Results
Weight Lost: 1.2 lbs
Status: In Yo Face Fat!

The week goes pretty much the same as per usual.  Planning out the meals, shopping trip Tuesday, saving some money finally in groceries.  Cravings are pretty much non-existent at this point.  Maybe a little one once in a while.  Once the routine was hammered out everything started becoming much easier to keep in line.  Now we have our celebratory sushi night! And we are watching Skyfall tonight!  Our next big goal is to implement our workout routines and stick to it :) I can feel a plateau coming soon and that is probably what will be necessary to get beyond it.  Next post I will detail my routine, and show off my beefy muscles! ;)

Well before I get slapped by Jocelyn, I think I must go.  hehehe.  Till next time!

Michael OUT!

Wednesday, February 6, 2013

Let`s Hear It For Mike!!!!!

Hey guys!!! So sorry to bust your bubble but we won`t be posting our picture up tonight due to I am under the weather right now and I don`t really want to pass my yuckiness onto our photographer!!! I always spoil all the fun, I know!!!! However, keep your panties on because pictures will be coming most likely by Friday...I`m very sorry about this, It will not happen again.Lets just hope I get better soon!!

I know its been a while since I have been on here and we haven`t been very faithful to posting but it will get better. I have been extremely busy with some extra activities I don`t do but I sense the end is coming very soon to this and I will have ALOT  more time on my hands than what I do now!

Now, if you read the post last night you would have noticed I did not lose at all last week, in fact I gained weight. I can`t tell you how heart broken I was (especially when Mike lost,haha). After weeks of being faithful and every week having results , I stepped on the scale and was let down. However I feel this was just my week to fluctuate, and by next week it will be ALL BETTER!!! I am still keeping the faith and believing that I am finishing to the end this time!!

On a side note I want to say how proud of Mike that I am since he is still losing weight and sticking to this faithfully! He is doing fantastic. Although, it stinks that men lose weight so much easier than women, it even`s out in the end. Also, women WIN ALL THE TIME anyways so I guess it`s ok if they win in this category!!So yayyyy for Mike!! Hip Hip Hooray!!

Alright people, I will give more tomorrow but for now I am out like shout!!


Tuesday, February 5, 2013

Week....5 is it???

Wow I can't believe its been 5 weeks already!  This'll be a quick one, its sushi night :)  Tomorrow we will have our month end group photo when our amazing photographer is back.  So for now I will just post the results and tomorrow we will post more about our week and this coming weeks goals along with our weekly menu!

Jocelyn's Results
Weight Gained: 2.5 lbs
Status: Bad Timing on the Weight in ;) no distraction!

Michael's Results
Weight Lost: 4 lbs
Status: Whaaa? Sweet!

Tune in tomorrow for the group pic and total weight lost over the course of the month so far!  Its time for da sushi!

Michael OUT!!

Thursday, January 31, 2013

Here`s to You Cupcake....

Well, another day down, another day closer to our end goal. Today was a day that was filled with pain and remembering for me so I didn't do much. In fact I lied on the couch for most of the day and basically did nothing. I also am going to eat a cupcake tonight from Cake in a Cup as well. Today celebrates my step mom`s 47th birthday and this is the first birthday without her. So, putting all goals aside I decided I wanted to celebrate her today. The cupcake bakery Cake in a Cup is a local thing here in Toledo. The bakery won on cake wars a couple years back. Even though it was literally in her back yard my step mom never went to it until one day she sparked my interest. Thursday soon became our tradition with me bringing at least 2 of the unique cupcake flavors that we both tasted. She really enjoyed Hostess with the Mostess but they did not have that today.  I brought her a peanut butter chocolate cupcake to her place of resting and tonight Mike and I will be having a cupcake in her memory,in a way toasting to her.  I wish she could be here to celebrate but she isn`t. I wish she could be here to see us doing so well with our goals but she isn`t. However, to end this I know she is here and she is smiling because we are honoring her tonight.

So, long story short even though I did nothing today and I am eating a cupcake I did not emotionally eat but I will admit it was so hard not to emotionally eat today. Mike and I have been very busy the past few days. We have wonderful meals planned all the way till Tuesday. However, my 5 year old niece is visiting this weekend so we may have to alter our meal board a little (Most 5 year olds don`t like salad and fish).  So this week on the menu:

Thursday (tonight): Peppered Chicken Marsala with fettuccine noodles(Low calorie amazingly)
Friday: Salad with Crab (may be altered)
Saturday: Chicken Stir Fry
Sunday : Yummy Chicken and Dumplings (Yes, LOW CALORIE!!!!)
Monday: Dilled Pot Roast (again, Low calorie!!!!)
Tuesday: Leftovers or Sushi Night (Our favorite)

Well, before our Thursday shows start I will continue with our yummy dinner tonight. One thing Mike and I love is pasta. We adore pasta (ok mostly me)!!! We haven't had any of it since the new year so finding a chicken marsala recipe that was low in calories was amazing!!

Introducing...Low Calorie Chicken Marsala and Fettuccine
(Recipe available upon request)

It was simply delicious and made you less guilty about eating it!!

Well, I must bid farewell until tomorrow (hopefully).
For now,

Tuesday, January 29, 2013

And the Winner Is...Both Of Us! - Week 4

Week 4 results are in! This is going pretty well let me tell ya.  This week we can definitely tell these changes are becoming habit.  We hardly think about what we have to do each week as far as our meals and health are concerned.  We still have the occasional nasty cravings for our former "loves" in food but the longer we stick to it the easier we can just ignore it.  Food is becoming less of a pass time for boredom, comfort for rough days, and becoming more of just a necessity to stay healthy and have fun experimenting with.  It makes a big difference when you expand your horizon on all of the foods out there that are great for you.

Anyways, I digress... Here are the results!!

Jocelyn's Results
Weight Lost: 1.6 lbs
Status: Gettin' sleeker by the moment :)

Michael's Results
Weight Lost: 1.8 lbs
Status: Happy to finally find out 
I have a chin, its peeking out! ;)

And there we have it, the final results for Week 4!  It may start slowing down, but that is good.  I don't want no hanging skin ;)  Stay tuned, later this week we will start posting our dinner menu schedule for the following week just for fun each and every week.  If possible, posting links to the recipes so every one of you can enjoy them too and maybe it can help you out!  I hope Jocelyn and I can be inspiration for others, or at least provide any new found insight to help out while going through this experience.

Check in next week for first month results! Total weigh-in and group pics courtesy of our photographer, Kayla! :) 

Now time to enjoy ourselves a dinner and movie.

Michael OUT!!

Friday, January 25, 2013

Kicking temptation out of the front seat

It`s hard to realize before it is too late that temptation is controlling your life.  I came across this situation the past few days. In my front seat contained a jar full of colorful m&m`s and mouth watering Hershey kisses. To state the truth I really don`t even like m&m`s or Hershey kisses all that much. However, since they sat right there in my front seat I liked them that day. That day they seemed to be my friend, they were there for comfort, I mean after all they were in the front seat. After I kept picking m&m`s up one by one out of the jar I realized I was just giving in to temptation. I came to the conclusion that enough was enough and I had to do something about this instead of just eat and eat. So, I threw the candy out but kept the jar because it was Andrea`s, my moms and it was a piece of her. That;s right, I kicked TEMPTATION out of my front seat.

I haven`t posted since the results were given on Tuesday but I will admit I was shocked and quite happy I lost more weight. There is a part of me that believes I will succeed this time and than there is that doubtful part of me that thinks it will be the same results as the last thousand times. I look in the mirror and I see no results, in fact I swear I just keep getting bigger. Even though people tell me I look like I am losing weight and the scale says I am, I feel like I am not. I would like to call this "Fat girl Syndrome". I know the scale does not lie to me, but I still feel the same as I did before. I have spoke to other women who have lost weight and I think this is common especially in the beginning. I know as time goes on I will feel better about this whole thing and alot more confident.

Mike and I have more scrumptious meals planned for the week. We have been trying to be a little more creative with our meals by trying ways to make meals stretch and also finding more affordable alternatives. I will admit that we are spending more on groceries than ever before however, we are spending no money on eating out which added up to a lot more than we are spending now. We have found buying our own salad ingredients and chopping them up ourselves is a lot more affordable than buying the already prepared salad. On a positive note, by buying our own salad ingredients it is also a lot more nutritious. Eggs are a necessary staple in our household because not only are they very inexpensive, Mike loves them a lot. I love to have avocado in my salads and although they aren't the most affordable vegetable if you only use half an avocado it can provide two meals plus a lot of good benefits. Lemons, garlic, carrots, and brown rice are also staples in our home and also inexpensive and beneficial from the nutritional aspect. I am going to be researching some inexpensive healthy choices and meal ideas over the next couple of days in order to put on our menu next week, so stay tuned!

Well...here is a picture of our delicious meal last night....

Seasoned Talapia
with Broccoli

AND our tasty dinner tonight!
Garlic Herb Chicken
with Parmesan Crusted Asparagus

This has been incredibly exciting experiencing all these new tastes and recipes.  I am especially enjoying experimenting in the kitchen.  Check tomorrow to hear about our Pepsi pot roast!  This should be interesting.  I bet it at least sounds intriguing.

For Now, Good Night, I'm Out Scout!

Tuesday, January 22, 2013

Third Times the Charm! Week 3!

Jocelyn's Results
Weight Lost: 3.4 lbs
Status: You Betcha!

Michael's Results
Weight Lost: 7.4 lbs
Status: Utterly Ecstatic!

Woohoo!!! Going strong.  That's right, its already been 3 weeks!  Excited for the start of the fourth.  Just a quick post tonight.  We are going to celebrate and watch a movie and enjoy a little treat, sushi!  Sushi Tuesday as one might call it :)  I hope everyone is having a great week!

Michael OUT

Monday, January 21, 2013

Expeditious Update

Just a quick one today folks :) Just finished a tasty dinner that I prepared.  Sorry we forgot to take a picture, it smelled so good!  Though some might not be fans.  It was a Cajun chicken over brown rice and a side of steamed broccoli.  The meal had quite a kick to it, and the chicken had some great spice to it.  My mouth has been burning all day.  Cayenne pepper on my hard boiled egg, cayenne and hot buffalo sauce on my salad, cayenne and black pepper on my cottage cheese, tons of spices on the chicken.  Don't know if it can take much more! :)

Moving along...I notice the more spice (and kick) added to a dish, the less I am inclined to eat.  Also the longer I go without crazy restaurant portion sizes, and going for seconds and thirds, the less I even feel like grabbing anything more than the first portion.  Coca Cola cravings are almost non existent.  The Coca Cola withdrawal symptoms are pretty much eviscerated.  Now I just need to kill the once in a blue moon fast food craving.  That shouldn't be too difficult.  Its been pretty helpful having my uncanny ability to completely blank my mind when I start thinking about fast food :)

Some random thoughts today.  Check in tomorrow night for Week 3 weigh-in results!!  I am feelin' pretty good! What does everyone think the results will be this time??  Stay tuned, same batty blogger, same batty blog. ;)

Michael OUT!

Sunday, January 20, 2013

For the Future

Just a measly two days until weigh in #3!  I am looking forward to it with baited breath like I always am.  I always hope for at least staying the same weight, but pray for continued loss of weight!  Tune in Tuesday for Week 3 Results.  Anywho...

The past couple weeks we have been planning out the following week's meals on Sundays for our next full week Wednesday through Tuesday.  This has been a tremendous help! Also, just builds up my anticipation for the following week's meals and by the time I get to them I am crazy anxious to get a taste!  Let me tell you we have an exciting week of meals planned.  Though, keep your pants on, you will have to wait for pics and descriptions of the meals till next week.

Since I have kept a steady weight loss trend, I want to incorporate a workout regimen to keep this up and keep my body energized.  This way I might avoid a plateau.  But if I hit one, it definitely will not kill my motivation.  I am pretty excited these days about keeping this going.  I have to be honest, those first couple weeks are the most difficult but when you stick with it, it absolutely starts to become routine, or habit.  I am about 9 weeks away from beating my personal best in eating healthy/working out.  The next 9 weeks will be crucial for me to solidify these habits and prove to myself and everyone (including you!) that Jocelyn and I are doing the lifestyle change for real this time.  It has to be done for the betterment of our lives and for a long and sustained healthy future.  Big key to our success, at least in my opinion, is to have a major goal that you are striving for.  Not shorter term goals like losing X amount of weight, being able to run that marathon, being able to bike that mountain trail.  More like, having a healthy happy body so one could have the strength to raise children, and be around a long time for them.  Then tailoring intermediate goals to get you to that end goal to make it fun and give you bits of motivation and sense of accomplishment along the way.  This at least is one thing that keeps me going.  But of course, having Jocelyn staying with it with me and keeping me strong has been absolutely paramount to my continued success, I hope I provide the same for her.

Well I will stop boring everyone with my dribble :) On to more exciting things!

Of course, what you all may or may not have been waiting for!!!  THE FOOD PICS :)

Tuna Melts
with cheese tomato and carrot slices and our new favorite bread thins!

Stuffed Portabella Mushroom
with sauteed asparagus, onions, and mushrooms

Some scrumptious pics courtesy of the photographer, Jocelyn.  Hope this peaks your appetite.  Ohhh, and I can't forget, THANK YOU everyone who has been following us and supporting us throughout.  Without you  this would be much more difficult and a lot less fun! :)

Michael OUT!

Saturday, January 19, 2013

O, Where Have You Been All My Life?

Happy Saturday!!!! Let me tell you I really do love Saturdays, but who doesn`t? Actually, let me correct that statement, I love every other Saturday. Today is my day off which meant Mike and I accomplished a lot and talked more about our future goals! We slept in today, which is after all great for our body and goes well with our lifestyle change (That's our story and we are sticking to it ). We skipped breakfast (I know, tssk tssk), but we made up with a delicious lunch, crab salad. Can we say yumm? We did use imitation crab, ( this would be the moment where seafood lovers would groan in disgust ) but it was only 80 calories per serving and a whopping 8 g of protein! We changed our weekly salad dish up a little and added some spinach to it, which I might add is mighty great! Mike and I are constantly on the go so we like to have food that we don`t have to spend a lot of time making. To meet this need we have an already made salad all the time in our refrigerator which we chopped up on our grocery day (now on Tuesday). Each day we choose to have a salad as our dinner we add items such as tuna, hard boiled eggs, chicken, avocado, or in today's case crab. I am sure there are other things that we have not experience with yet. We like to use oil and vinegar as our dressing instead of the high calorie dressing such as ranch. I really love to use Franks Red Hot Sauce or Tabasco sauce. So, in case you are on the go constantly and don`t have much time to cook or maybe you can`t cook this might be a tip you may want to try. It works really well for us and our lifestyle. Also, to save time in the week we chop up all our fruits and veggies we buy on our grocery shopping day and I prepackage my lunches for the week as well.

Today I made a great discovery. Ok I must admit I was so excited I shouted at the television "Where have you been all my life?" In case you don`t know I really love Paula Dean, I truly admire her. I find all of her recipes delicious, yet they are not that great for you to eat especially all the time. I am also inspired by her because she lost a lot of weight when she found out she was diabetic. I know from experience that can take a lot of will power especially when you can cook that good. Anyways, today I discovered a show called "Not My Mama`s Meals" and the chef featured is Bobby, Paula Deans son. His goal on the show is to take all of his mama`s recipes and make them a healthier version in order to meet his lifestyle so he is able to eat them all the time. Today`s show featured a healthier version of Paula Deans fried chicken and also fried green tomatoes. I must confess I was drooling and had a few tears of joy that it will be possible to make Paula Dean recipes and not have all the fat. Plus, I may add Paula loves butter, I mean she adores it. This is where I gained a love (a bit of obsession with butter). I always tell everyone when they praise my recipes to NEVER ask what is in it (I fear they may sue me for putting their health in danger). However, I am now going to become a faithful watcher of "Not My Mama`s Meals" from here on out. If you want to check out this website for some yummy recipes here is where you can go: Not my Mama`s Meals

We definitely took advantage of the nice weather today and took a stroll around the block. It was just too gorgeous to waste and I love the talks Mike and I have together (especially our talk about getting a kitty). We enjoyed an amazing new recipe tonight for dinner, caramelized garlic chicken and garlic sauteed spinach. Let me tell you, I have Michael in love with spinach. I think one thing I failed to realize in life that many people don`t really know is that if you experiment with spices and different ways to cook things especially vegetables it is much more enticing to eat. Take for example spinach, Michael isn't a big fan of it but when I sauteed it in olive oil, added garlic, cayenne pepper, black pepper, lemon pepper and glazed it with sea salt and squirts of lemon he really enjoyed it. One thing Mike and I really are starting to do especially since we eliminated butter out of our diet is experiment with spices. I have so many in my cupboard that I haven`t even used. Spices really do make a difference in the dishes you choose to make. So if you don`t already, try SPICING YOUR LIFE UP A BIT!

Now I would like to share what I know you are all waiting for...pictures of our meals today and also last night (since I am a slacker and fell asleep at 9:30 instead of post)

Mike's Better Than B-Dubs Baked Buffalo Drumsticks
With a side of salad

Caramelized Garlic Chicken
With sauteed garlic spinach

Tomorrow on the menu board will be poached eggs and waffles (a healthier version), tuna veggie melts for lunch and for dinner stuffed portabella mushrooms with a side of steamed carrots (spiced up of course). I will be definitely posting these tomorrow, so stay tuned our loyal followers. Well, its time to finish enjoying this lovely Saturday by watching a movie and drinking a glass of Moscato.

Until next time...
Farewell Followers,

Thursday, January 17, 2013

Sooo Scandalous....

Well, guess I owe our loyal followers an apology due to not being able to provide an epic post yesterday with some scrumptious pictures to make you drool. However, HAVE NO FEAR, here I am, ready to write and ready to share our pictures!!!

I have a lot of catching up to do but I choose not to bore you with long essays tonight...maybe tomorrow.  Plus, Scandal, OUR FAVORITE show will be on shortly. Mike and I love Thursdays night just for this purpose plus its our little splurge because we have wine and popcorn nights just like the main character Olivia does. (Yes, we are that obsessed, as you should be too).

Enough of that....I have been doing pretty good. I have my irrational moments, the ones where I am 2.5 seconds from turning into a McDonalds, or a quick dash away from sprinting into a gas station and getting a pop (ok i lied, i don't sprint, more like waddle).  However, I have not given into terrible temptation yet. I think it helps that Mike and I aren't limiting ourselves completely from our joys and our favorite foods but we are doing EVERYTHING in MODERATION. This MODERATION word is a new thing for me. You see MODERATION for me once upon a time meant a whole pint of ice cream, a carton of cookies, 5 slices of pizza, and everything three times a normal serving. I really did not know what IN MODERATION meant until I started this lifestyle change. I must say it is working out splendidly, I still am losing weight , feeling better and AND getting to eat my favorite things here and there. I think one of the reasons why I failed so many times before was because I told myself NO,NO,NO! to all my favorite things and therefore ended up rebelling which ended in defeat. However, with this new word in my vocabulary I will not have this problem anymore.

Mike and I have been cooking up a storm in the kitchen the last week. Even though we are eating healthier I have gotten to cook more than ever, exploring so many new ways to make things and I just love that. In case you don`t know me, I absolutely love cooking. I don`t just love it because I like to eat (although that is a major pro), I love it because I can be myself in the kitchen, I can get messy, I can make mistakes, I can experiment, and nobody judges me. I am a whole different person in the kitchen (sometimes not an appropriate person for the public, either). So, I must say cooking more and different things is a benefit to this new lifestyle change that I adore. Let me share what we have been eating the past few nights....

Last week, sauteed shrimp and asparagus salad

One of my favorite breakfasts, poached eggs with sliced 
avocado sprinkled with cayenne and black pepper

A scrumptious dinner Mike made, tuna steaks 
with caramelized onions and a small side salad

A complete mouth-watering dinner, chicken 
with mushrooms and sugar snap peas, over a bed of brown rice

Tonight's dinner, Italian Chicken Saute 
(chicken, chopped tomatoes with Italian seasonings, and cannelloni beans)

As you can see Mike and I have really been enjoying ourselves, our taste buds like it too. No depriving here, just some amazing cooking and experimenting going on! If you want any of our recipes let us know...We would love to share! More tomorrow to come...stay tuned.
Scandal awaits us!
For now,