Tuesday, February 26, 2013

Week 8 Results Are In!

I am happy to say I recovered from last week and broke the 30 lbs goal that my doctor and I set for me to hit by my next visit in June!  Jocelyn is making positive progress too, and I'm so proud of her even if she doesn't like the 0.2 lbs lost lol.  Any weight lost is a win!

This week the 5:30AM workouts have commenced.  I actually find that they are easier to stick to as long as I get myself out of bed.  No million excuses to use that early in the morning to skip out on it.  :)  So far it is working for me, and I am noticing a slight energy boost, but not much at all yet.  I know this is because I am just really getting back into working out and it'll take several before I get those wonderful workout highs :D So I will stick to it.  I shall move onto the results!

Jocelyn's Results
Weight Lost: 0.2 lbs
Status: Awww that's all

Michael's Results
Weight Lost: 4.2 lbs
Status: I hit my goal for June Doc Appt :D

Overall positive week for both of us!  Can't wait to see what a full week of working out will do for the weight loss.  On a boring side note, but fun for me! I have started working towards my dream and started to teach myself graphics programming! It's good to be learning again. I sometimes dance around the idea of graduate school, but I sure don't have the funding quite yet.  I think having a professor and fellow students would help with the learning process, because otherwise its just me and a book and google! :-X  Well I am off to whatever this goofy guy usually does on a Tuesday! Games/Movies/and now self-teaching.

Michael OUT!

Wednesday, February 20, 2013

Extra Extra! Read All About It!!

Hello fellow followers!! It has been a bit of time since I have been on here and I realize I owe you some explanation. Over the past year I have been traveling an hour back and forth to work in order to meet some family needs. In September my new residence became an hour away from my facility but I still traveled back and forth mainly because I am scared of change. So, over the past couple weeks I have been looking for new jobs but mostly focusing on a transfer. The great news is I did get the transfer, I get to spend less money on gas, less time driving, and less wear and tear on my car! The bad news is I am going into new territory and most of all leaving a big group of people who over time has become my family! So today was bittersweet to me to say the least(more about this later). In conclusion Mike and I did celebrate to my new transfer and this bittersweet situation!

Now enough of this sad stuff! I have to say I was quite pleased with my weight loss,because I have no clue how I lost it. I still am not exercisng at all but this will change tomorrow as I will be going back to the college gym! I am excited! On a negative note my lower back has been literally killing me and I am afraid I will have to go to a chiropractor, which puts a damper on moving around because it does hurt tremendously!

So here are my goals for this week:
Exercise two times for at least 30 minutes each.
Research more about coconut oil and possibly buy some (more about that tomorrow)
Stretch every day before and after work.

I would really like to lose 3 pounds again next week but honestly I will take what I am given.....

Now since it has been so long since we last spoke, I have some fun pictures to share with you!!!

Tonight's Dinner: 20 Clove Chicken
This delicious crock pot dinner contained chicken with white wine, oregano, crushed red peppers, sweet basil, cayenne pepper, black pepper, celery, onions, carrots, lemon juice, and 20 cloves of garlic! It was super easy, just put it all together, throw it in the crock pot, and than come home to a delicious meal!!! On top of that the entire meal was a whopping 170 calories!!!(and there's enough leftover for 2 meals)

This is Mike and I on Valentines day at Zia`s Italian restaurant! I just thought it would be neat to show some pictures of us dressed up and also how far we have come!!! I adore this picture of us. On a positive side, I haven`t been able to fit into this dress for over 3 years!

I love Michael Bongorno!! 
Happy Valentines Day to you!!!

And...Mike wishes you happy Valentines Day as well! Isn`t he looking handsome?(well, even more handsome!!!!)

Well, my dear followers I will bid you good bye and until next time when we shall meet again!!
For now,

Tuesday, February 19, 2013

Week 7 Sleven!

Here we are folks!!! The results for week 7!

Jocelyn's Results
Weight Lost: 3.7 lbs
Status: Thumbs Up Dude

Michael's Results
Weight Gained: 0.8 lbs
Status: Thumbs Down Frown

A gain, but no loss of motivation over here, this just bumps up my motivation.  I'll show you 0.8 lbs! :) I'm super proud of Jocelyn this week :) She's kickin some booty.  She keeps me so motivated too.  We are each others pillars of strength through this.  She is looking GOOOOOOOOOOOOOOD :D

Ooooo man the sushi smells good tonight, I may have to exit early.  I promise we will post this week!  Its just been a busy busy time.  Argo is on the agenda tonight I think.  Well catch y'all soon.

Michael OUT!

Tuesday, February 12, 2013

Week 6, Pick Up Sticks!

And we are here at week #6 over with! :) Sorry its been another hectic week with work and everything that posting has been utterly difficult.  But things are calming down and we should be on more often!  Hopefully we haven't lost any of you devoted followers ;)  Lets get to what everyone is waiting for! WEEK 6 RESULTS!!!

Jocelyn's Results
Weight Lost: 1.3 lbs
Status: Oh yeah Oh yeah! What what, fishy face!

Michael's Results
Weight Lost: 1.2 lbs
Status: In Yo Face Fat!

The week goes pretty much the same as per usual.  Planning out the meals, shopping trip Tuesday, saving some money finally in groceries.  Cravings are pretty much non-existent at this point.  Maybe a little one once in a while.  Once the routine was hammered out everything started becoming much easier to keep in line.  Now we have our celebratory sushi night! And we are watching Skyfall tonight!  Our next big goal is to implement our workout routines and stick to it :) I can feel a plateau coming soon and that is probably what will be necessary to get beyond it.  Next post I will detail my routine, and show off my beefy muscles! ;)

Well before I get slapped by Jocelyn, I think I must go.  hehehe.  Till next time!

Michael OUT!

Wednesday, February 6, 2013

Let`s Hear It For Mike!!!!!

Hey guys!!! So sorry to bust your bubble but we won`t be posting our picture up tonight due to I am under the weather right now and I don`t really want to pass my yuckiness onto our photographer!!! I always spoil all the fun, I know!!!! However, keep your panties on because pictures will be coming most likely by Friday...I`m very sorry about this, It will not happen again.Lets just hope I get better soon!!

I know its been a while since I have been on here and we haven`t been very faithful to posting but it will get better. I have been extremely busy with some extra activities I don`t do but I sense the end is coming very soon to this and I will have ALOT  more time on my hands than what I do now!

Now, if you read the post last night you would have noticed I did not lose at all last week, in fact I gained weight. I can`t tell you how heart broken I was (especially when Mike lost,haha). After weeks of being faithful and every week having results , I stepped on the scale and was let down. However I feel this was just my week to fluctuate, and by next week it will be ALL BETTER!!! I am still keeping the faith and believing that I am finishing to the end this time!!

On a side note I want to say how proud of Mike that I am since he is still losing weight and sticking to this faithfully! He is doing fantastic. Although, it stinks that men lose weight so much easier than women, it even`s out in the end. Also, women WIN ALL THE TIME anyways so I guess it`s ok if they win in this category!!So yayyyy for Mike!! Hip Hip Hooray!!

Alright people, I will give more tomorrow but for now I am out like shout!!


Tuesday, February 5, 2013

Week....5 is it???

Wow I can't believe its been 5 weeks already!  This'll be a quick one, its sushi night :)  Tomorrow we will have our month end group photo when our amazing photographer is back.  So for now I will just post the results and tomorrow we will post more about our week and this coming weeks goals along with our weekly menu!

Jocelyn's Results
Weight Gained: 2.5 lbs
Status: Bad Timing on the Weight in ;) no distraction!

Michael's Results
Weight Lost: 4 lbs
Status: Whaaa? Sweet!

Tune in tomorrow for the group pic and total weight lost over the course of the month so far!  Its time for da sushi!

Michael OUT!!